&hint1=I was built when the Turks conquered the Romans& &hint2=I was completed between 1550-57& &hint3=I mimic the design of the Hagia Sophia& &hint4=I am a mosque& &choices=The citadel and palace complex of Sargon II;Bishop Maximianus with Justinian and his Retinue;Hagia Sophia;Bayeux Tapestry, detail of Angli et Franci in prelio;Cleopatra's Needle, Thames Embankment, London;Aerial view of the Suleymani mosque& &answer=Aerial view of the Suleymani mosque& &search=Aerial Hagia& &title=Aerial view of the Suleymani mosque, Istanbul, with Hagia Sophia in the background& &artist=& &medium=& &date=1550-57& &location=& &dimensions=&